No independence = Papua will disappear

57,000 hectares of Papuan forests in Boven Digoel have been cleared by the Korindo Group since 2001, according to an investigation by Forensic Architecture and Greenpeace Indonesia. It's just one company - who else?

The data show that 85 palm oil companies control 2,153,484 hectares of land in Papua. Not to mention the 83 logging companies that control 13,334,260 hectares of forest area there.

There are also 25 industrial plantation forestry companies controlling 3,700,000 hectares of forest. And 3 sago forest product management companies controlling 129,000 hectares of sago hamlets. 15 sugarcane plantation companies controlling 487,912 hectares of land.

At the same time, some 240 mining companies dredge Papua's soil. The total area of indigenous Papuan land seized for mining is 9,110,793 hectares, of which 5,932,071 hectares are in Papua province and the remaining 3,178,722 hectares in West Papua province.

Every year, the rate of deforestation in Papua triples: from 2000 to 2009, it was 60,300 hectares. From 2009 to 2013, it was 171,900 hectares. From 2013 to 2017, it rose to 189,300 hectares per year. These figures come from the Pusaka Foundation, Greenpeace and Forest Watch Indonesia.

If we compare the mortality rate of indigenous Papuans with that of Indonesian migrants to Papua, it becomes clear that Papua is on the brink of destruction and extinction!

This corporate crime is taking place in the era of "special autonomy", known in Indonesian as "Otsus", which is supposed to ensure the protection, alignment and empowerment of indigenous Papuans. The reality is quite the opposite: it protects, supports and strengthens the thieves and criminals of Papua's environment and humanity.

If, even in the days of special autonomy, it was like this, unable to protect the land and people of Papua, then West Papua will be further destroyed by the Presidential Instruction for the Acceleration of Development and Expansion of Papua, reinforced by the Omnibus Law which will allow wide access to the massive exploitation of Papuan land.

The handful of Papua's capitalist bureaucrats - governor, regent, Indonesian army and police - who insist on the prosecution of Papua's Otsus certainly aim only to continue colonial and capitalist crimes. Their conscience has been clouded by the lust for money, position and colonial honor.

This is pure animal instinct, like a dog that obeys only the master who holds the bone, not truth and love. After all, it's hard to convince a fly that flowers are far more dignified than garbage.

To those with a conscience and a concern for humanity and the environment: let's save this land by fighting for independence. It's the only solution. Just as you can't put out fire with fire, oppression breeds resistance!


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