Papuans call for an ecological state

In the 21st century, the existence of indigenous Papuans seems to be a provocation to the world in this era of globalization, which is so attached to the idea of technological and economic progress.

The question is, does high technology and prosperity make humans better? Is the world better off with economic progress? Does consumerism make people happier?

Before the arrival of foreigners, Papuans for more than fifty thousand years were able to live independently and in harmony with their environment. Love of family, community life, respect for nature, contemplation of the beauty of the universe, simple entertainment with traditional music and dances, are sources of happiness for them.

Modern men often look down on indigenous Papuans as primitive because they do not have advanced technology. On the contrary, indigenous Papuans view modern men as foolish because they destroy themselves with their own technology. The journey towards what they call civilization has led them to an unhealthy egoism endorsed by pride and jealousy. This leads to war, genocide and ecocide on a massive scale. An economic perspective based on materialism only leads to deeper social inequality.

In the current context, where Papuans are experiencing a process of destruction of their nature and identity by the Indonesian colonial regime, an accomplice of global capitalism, they present to the world a vision of a "Green State" based on environmental and social protection, customary management, and respect for nature. They are convinced that this new social order will save the planet and help maintain the balance between people and the environment.

Coined by the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), the representative organ of Papuans founded in 2014, the green state vision has received support from 140 organizations and a number of international figures such as Noam Chomsky, Peter Tatchell, Benjamin Zephaniah, Jeremy Corbyn, George Monbiot, and others.

The green state vision is not solely the concern of western Papuans. It is also a call to the world community to return to the true value of humanity, which is destined to be at one with nature. Let's act to save the planet. Support ULMWP and the struggle of the West Papuans!


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