Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia: a waste?
High Masses will be held in the capital Jakarta, in Pontianak on the island of Borneo, and in one city on the predominantly Catholic island of Flores.
West Papua not on the agenda?
The 266th sovereign pontiff is scheduled to also visit Papua New Guinea, but not Indonesian-occupied West Papua.
Why is that? Is Pope Francis deliberately skipping it? Or is it the Indonesian government that does not allow it?
Vatican turns a blind eye?
Given that the Vatican is the best-informed country, it is certainly aware of the tragedy that has been unfolding for six decades in West Papua. Yet unfortunately, it insists on choosing to remain silent.
One might ask: "What makes the suffering of God's people in West Papua seem insignificant to the vicar of Christ?"
Judas' betrayal in the 20th century?
West Papua was an important Christian base in the Pacific until the mid-20th century. When Muslim-majority Indonesia tried to annex it in the 1960s, the Church could have opposed it.
However, the local church leaders at the time preferred to sacrifice their flock to Indonesia. These hired shepherds washed their hands like Pontius Pilate and eventually became Judas who betrayed Jesus. What a shame!
How are West Papuans doing?
Today West Papuans are on the verge of extinction and in many areas such as in Merauke, South Papua which has traditionally been a Catholic base, can be said to be strangers in their own country. Overall indigenous West Papuans are outnumbered by Indonesian migrants.
The face of the church itself has changed: from a Papuan culture-based church to a Papuan-style Indonesian church. In major cities in West Papua, such as the capital, Jayapura, the sound of muezzins from mosques is more often heard than the clanging of church bells.
Pope Francis to Indonesia: what for?
What is the point of Pope Francis visiting Indonesia but skipping West Papua? Isn't this similar to the attitude of the Priest and Levite in Luke 10:25-37, who deliberately left the wounded dying on the road?
Pope Francis visiting Indonesia without West Papua is a charade. It is enough that for 60 years the Vatican has turned a blind eye to the human tragedy of West Papua. The Church is guilty of supporting the morally and legally flawed 1969 PEPERA annexation referendum: only 1025 out of 800,000 West Papuans were included and voted to join Indonesia under threat.
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